It’s a brand new year and rather than make resolutions, why not just make a couple of simple work/life changes?
There are some fantastic new habits you could consider which are better than giving yourself some fail-before-you’ve-begun rules to follow. New habits could include getting up earlier to give yourself more time each day, spending less time on your phone, taking some time each day to plan your daily goals - whatever you think could work for you. The only criteria is that they should be things that are positive and serve you well.
Our recommendation, naturally, is to join us at DrivenNet and invest one early morning session per month at amazing car dealerships and automotive venues in your county.
Here’s our reasoning:
At DrivenNet you will expand your business contacts
You’ll meet other senior directors and business owners. There’s absolutely no requirement to stand up and present yourself (although you can if you want to) and we don’t network the old-fashioned way. DrivenNet provides an opportunity to enjoy the setting, cars, people and coffee without any pressure or awkwardness.
At DrivenNet you have full permission to indulge your interest in cars
If you love all things automotive you’ll be right at home at a DrivenNet networking meeting. We move from venue to venue each month throughout the year with opportunities for all kinds of fun experiences, all car-related as you’d expect. Mixing business with pleasure works in this instance!
At DrivenNet you gift yourself some time away from the office
It’s important to spend some time in the company of peers, listening to how others are growing or managing their own businesses. There isn’t a single person on the planet who can’t learn something from others. Stepping back, just for a couple of hours, enjoying the drive to and from the meeting, and giving yourself some space will do great things for your mind.
At DrivenNet you can continue to develop your own network effortlessly
It’s inevitable that you’ll meet all kinds of other business owners and directors who may or may not be able to work with you. What is certain though is that members remember each other and will store you as a contact that might be useful in another context, in another situation, for one of their own contacts. We believe that the best way to grow your network is by meeting other people and sharing experiences in a mutually interesting environment.
At DrivenNet you can support other businesses
You might not be looking to expand or grow, you could be exactly where you want to be. However, by being part of a group, meeting regularly with a like-minded group of work peers, you could use it as an opportunity to support others and share your pool of knowledge where it’s needed.
By adding good quality business networking to 2024 you’ll be achieving a whole host of ‘resolutions’ without feeling like you’ve done very much at all! Talk to us if you’d like to know more. We operate in small groups in Yorkshire and the North East (more coming soon) and look forward to welcoming new members in 2024.